The preparation of income statement or Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet is the last stage of accounting process. According to the principles of double entry system of accounting all the expenses and incomes relating to a particular period whether incurred or not should be taken into account. In order to give the true and fair view of the state of affairs of the business concern, it is essential to consider various adjustments while preparing Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. The following are the various adjustments usually related to :
(1) Closing Stock
(2) Outstanding Expenses
(3) Prepaid Expenses
(4) Accrued Income
(5) Income Received in Advance
(6) Depreciation
(7) Interest on Capital
(8) Interest on Drawings
(9) Bad Debts
(10) Provision for Doubtful Debts
(11) Provision for Discount on Debtors
(12) Provision for Discount on Creditors
(1) CLOSING STOCK: The term Closing Stock refers to stock of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods at the end of the year valued at cost price or market price whichever is less.
ما لی سال کے آخر پر جو تجارتی مال فروخت نہ ہو سکے ( تجارتی عرصہ کے آخری روز موجود سٹاک) اس کو اختتامی ذخیرہ کہتے ہیں
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
Outstanding expenses refer to those expenses incurred and remain unpaid during the accounting period. For example, salary, rent, interest etc. are expenses which are incurred but remain unpaid during the accounting period.
واجب الادا اخراجات: اس سے مراد ایسے اخراجات ہیں جو ہو چکے ہیں لیکن ابھی ادا نہیں ہوئے واجب الادا اخراجات کہلاتے ہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر ملازمین سے کام لے لیا لیکن ابھی تک تنخواہ ادا نہیں کی گئ، بجلی کا بل آ گیا لیکن ابھی تک ادائیگی نہیں کی گئ وغیرہ۔
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
Prepaid expenses are also known as unexpired expenses. Those expenses which are incurred and paid in advance. Such expenses are actually related to a future period.
پیشگی ادا کردہ اخراجات: اس سے مرا دایسے اخراجات ہیں جن کی ادائیگی پیشگی کر دی گئ ہو لیکن ابھی تک اس سے فائدہ حاصل نہ کیا ہو پیشگی ادا شدہ اخراجات کہلاتے ہیں۔ مثا ل کے طور پر مو بائل فون میں پر ی پیڈ سم کو ری چارج کرنا یعنی رقم کمپنی کو پیشگی ادا کر دی لیکن ابھی تک اس کا فائدہ حاصل نہیں کیا، 2) بلڈنگ کے مالک کو کرایہ پیشگی ادا کرنا 3) کالج کی فیس پیشگی ادا کرنا وغیرہ وغیرہ
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
Accrued Income otherwise known as Outstanding Income. Such incomes are accrued during the accounting period but not actually received in cash during that period.
قابل وصول آمدنی/واجب الاوصول آمدنی: اس سے مرا د ایسی آمدنی ہے جو کمائی گئی ہو لیکن ابھی تک وصول نہ ہوئی ہو واجب الاوصول آمدنی کہلاتی ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر گاہک کی کار رپئیر کر دی لیکن ابھی پیسہ وصول کر نا باقی ہے۔
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
Any income received in advance which is not earned during the accounting period. Therefore, if any income received in advance, it should be treated as income for the subsequent (Next) year.
پیشگی وصول شدہ آمدنی: ایسی آمدنی جس کی رقم پیشگی وصول کر لی گئ ہو مگر ابھی تک کما نا باقی ہو (کام نہ کیا ہو) اسے پیشگی وصول شدہ آمدنی کہتے ہیں۔
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(6) DEPRECIATION: The term depreciation refers to loss on account of reduced value of assets due to wear and tear, obsolescence, effluxion of time or accident. Depreciation is treated as the cost or loss arised when the asset is used in the normal course of time.
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(7) INTEREST ON CAPITAL: In order to ascertain true profitability of the business concern, it is essential that profit is determined after deducting interest on the capital provided by proprietor. Interest on capital is included in the capital expenditure and thus the adjustment entry will be as follows:
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(8) INTEREST ON DRAWINGS: It is like a interest on capital provided by the proprietor. Any amount charged as interest on drawings made by the proprietors for his personal use during the particular period is treated as interest on drawings. Interest on drawings should be taken as an income for ascertaining the true profit for a period.
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(9) BAD DEBTS WRITTEN OFF: The term bad debts refer to any amount which are definitely irrecoverable are termed as Bad Debts. It may be treated as actual loss of the business. Any amount irrecoverable due to inability of the debtors, it should be written off from the accounts of debtors. The necessary adjustment entry will be:
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(10) PROVISION FOR DOUBTFUL DEBTS: It is like a bad debt but recovery is doubtful. Thus doubtful debts should not be written off from the books of accounts. Doubtful debts are treated as anticipated loss therefore making suitable provisions required to be made in the books of accounts.
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(11) PROVISION FOR DISCOUNT ON DEBTOR: Discount allowed to debtor is treated as expenses of a business concern. Such discounts are allowed to encourage for prompt payment made by the debtors on credit sales.
Adjusting Entry:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(12) PROVISION FOR DISCOUNT ON CREDITOR: It is like a discount on debtors, such discounts are allowed to make prompt payment due to it creditors. The firm receives such discounts when the payment made to its creditors in time. It is an anticipated income or profit which is required to create a suitable provision’s in order to ascertain the correct picture of the creditor’s balance
Adjusting Entry:
(a) For Receipt of Discount:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
(b) For Provision for Discount on Creditors:
Effect of Adjusting Entry:
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