Tag Archives: B.COM

Business Communication and its explanation

Q. Define Business Communication? Ans: Communication is characterized as “The stream of material data observation, comprehension and creative ability among different gatherings”.  Business incorporates those associations, which are occupied with the generation and appropriation  of merchandise and enterprises to gain benefit. Consequently Business correspondence signifies, “Stream of data, observation and so on either inside a business association or outside the …

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Role of Effective Business Communication

Q. Discuss the role of effective business communication within and outside the organization. Q. Why Business Communication is called, “Life blood” of an organization? Answer:  A business Organization is a gathering of individuals related to gain benefit. Different sorts of exercises must be performed by the general population of an association in order to acquire benefit. These exercises need a powerful and …

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Importance of Communication for Individual and Organization

Q. Define communication. What is the importance of communication for an individual and for an organization? Answer:  COMMUNICATION:- Definition: Communication  is  the  process  by  which  information  is  transmitted between individuals and organization, so that an understanding response results”. OR “Communication  is the process which involves transmission  and accurate  replication  of ideas, ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting action which …

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Explain the Process of Communication

Q. Explain the Process of Communication. OR Q. “Communication  is  a  two  way  process  of  exchanging ideas or information between two human beings”. Explain this statement with the help of a diagram. Answer:    Definition:   Communication simply means exchange of ideas & information between two persons. A person sends a message to another person and gets the response from the receiver on the …

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Five Elements (Factors) of the Process of Communication

Q. Discuss five elements (Factors) of the process of communication. Answer:      Communication is the exchange of ideas between two minds. This process of exchanging idea is based on following five factors. 1. Sender:-  Sender is the individual who starts the procedure of correspondence. He creates a thought in his brain with respect to generation development, advancement, demand, request, enquiry and so …

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Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) | Powers and Functions

Q: Define “Federal Board of Revenue”; explain its powers and functions in detail. Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Introduction The old name of federal board of revenue (FBR) is central board of revenue (CBR). Income tax ordinance, 2001 uses the word ‘Board’ for FBR and CBR. Board is the highest tax authority in Pakistan. It has the powers to exercise …

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Question: Discuss the composition of “APPELLATE TRIBUNAL INLAND REVENUE”, what are the functions performed by it? Answer: APPELLATE TRIBUNAL INLAND REVENUE: APPELLATE TRIBUNAL INLAND REVENUE is the second court of appeal. The Federal Government is the appointing authority of the APPELLATE TRIBUNAL. The taxpayer or the Commissioner Inland Revenue, if not satisfied with the decision of the Commissioner Inland Revenue (Appeals) can …

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Sett Off of Losses under Income Tax Ordinance 2001

Question: Define set off of losses. How different losses can be set off under the provisions of income tax ordinance 2001? Answer:  Head/Sources of income: According to income tax ordinance 2001, there five heads of income i.e. income from salary, income from property, income from business, Capital gain, income from other source. A person may drive income from all these …

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Rules for Carry Forward of Losses

Question: Explain procedure of carry forward of losses under the provision of income tax ordinance 2001? How different losses can carry forward? Carry Forward of Losses: Sometime a taxpayer sustains a loss and fails to set off the whole amount of loss against the income of the same year. It may be due insufficiency of income under the same source …

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Commissioner Inland Revenue | Powers and Functions

Define “Commissioner Inland Revenue”; explain its powers and functions in detail. Commissioner Inland Revenue A person appointed officially for a particular zone to supervise the collection of taxes, including income tax, capital gains tax and corporation tax. Commissioner Inland Revenue has a very important place in income tax department. He has both executive and judicial powers. He oversees the performance and functions of all the income tax authorities working …

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