Q. Discuss the Disadvantages / Limitations of Business.
Answer: Followings are
the limitations of business.
the limitations of business.
IN INCOME: آمدنی میں فرق
IN INCOME: آمدنی میں فرق
is responsible for income disparity)فرق (. The
establishment of big companies lead to the concentration
(مرتکز) of wealth in few hands. There is big
difference between income of rich and poor people.
is responsible for income disparity)فرق (. The
establishment of big companies lead to the concentration
(مرتکز) of wealth in few hands. There is big
difference between income of rich and poor people.
IN PRICES: قیمتوں میں اجارہ داری
IN PRICES: قیمتوں میں اجارہ داری
to monopoly prices are high because there is no competition. The profit of
businessmen combine their business to create monopoly. The profits of businessmen
increase whereas quality of products decreases. The consumers are at loss due
to high prices.
to monopoly prices are high because there is no competition. The profit of
businessmen combine their business to create monopoly. The profits of businessmen
increase whereas quality of products decreases. The consumers are at loss due
to high prices.
3. LABOUR EXPLOITATION: مزدوروں کا استحصال
business class has upper hand. The labourers cannot store their labour. The businessmen
exploit labourers. The workers accept low wages due to poor bargaining
business class has upper hand. The labourers cannot store their labour. The businessmen
exploit labourers. The workers accept low wages due to poor bargaining
4. HOURDING: ذخیرہ اندوزی
The drawback of business is hoarding. The businessmen can
hold stock of goods for some time. The consumers bound to buy necessities of
life. The prices of products increase and general public suffers loss due to artificial
high prices.
hold stock of goods for some time. The consumers bound to buy necessities of
life. The prices of products increase and general public suffers loss due to artificial
high prices.
SMUGGLING: اسمگلنگ
SMUGGLING: اسمگلنگ
The dark side of business is smuggling. There is unlawful
import and export of goods. The excise and custom duty is not paid to
government. The welfare projects remain incomplete. The home industry also
suffer due to smuggled goods.
import and export of goods. The excise and custom duty is not paid to
government. The welfare projects remain incomplete. The home industry also
suffer due to smuggled goods.
6. FRAUDS: دھوکہ
Business is not free from risk of frauds. The businessmen
may be looted by big businessmen. The fraudulent persons can cheat the people
in one way or the other. A bag of sugar may have sand instead of sugar.
may be looted by big businessmen. The fraudulent persons can cheat the people
in one way or the other. A bag of sugar may have sand instead of sugar.
7. TAX
The demerit of business is that actual income may not be disclosed
to tax authorities. There is tax evasion due to business people. The maintenance
of double accounts books means evasion of taxes.
to tax authorities. There is tax evasion due to business people. The maintenance
of double accounts books means evasion of taxes.
متوازی بڑھوتری
متوازی بڑھوتری
Business is responsible for unbalanced growth. The business centers are established in
cities. The villages are neglected altogether. The economic growth becomes
unbalanced because facilities are available in cities and nothing in villages.
cities. The villages are neglected altogether. The economic growth becomes
unbalanced because facilities are available in cities and nothing in villages.
The drawback of business is adulteration. There is need
of pure food and medicine for good health. But some businessmen try to become
rich overnight through unfair means like adulteration.
of pure food and medicine for good health. But some businessmen try to become
rich overnight through unfair means like adulteration.
10. AIR
کی آلودگی
کی آلودگی
The dark side of business is air pollution. Factories and
mills pollute the air with dust, smoke and gas. The health of people is
affected due to bad air.
mills pollute the air with dust, smoke and gas. The health of people is
affected due to bad air.
کی آلودگی
کی آلودگی
The drawback of business is waste pollution. The wastage
of factories and mills is disposed off in nearby areas. The diseases affect the
performance of workers living in that area.
of factories and mills is disposed off in nearby areas. The diseases affect the
performance of workers living in that area.
12. ACCIDENTS: حادثات
The drawback of business is accidents. In factories and mills
the workers can face accidents. There is risk of injury and life. It is a loss
of income to families of workers due to death or disability.
the workers can face accidents. There is risk of injury and life. It is a loss
of income to families of workers due to death or disability.
FAILURE: کاروبار کی ناکامی
FAILURE: کاروبار کی ناکامی
The drawback of business is its failure. The failure of
big business may lead to failure of many small business concerns. The suppliers
and creditors are hit hard due to business failure.
big business may lead to failure of many small business concerns. The suppliers
and creditors are hit hard due to business failure.