Why Market?
I go, professionals ask, “Why should we market now? We have more business coming
in the door than we can handle. Our phone is ringing off the hook.” Would you want to motivate your
partners and staff to help grow your firm if you are already busy?
I go, professionals ask, “Why should we market now? We have more business coming
in the door than we can handle. Our phone is ringing off the hook.” Would you want to motivate your
partners and staff to help grow your firm if you are already busy?
What Smart Partners Say?
Here’s what the top
partners of many of America’s leading CPA and legal firms tell me.
partners of many of America’s leading CPA and legal firms tell me.
• “Now is the best time to train the future
owners of our firms to grow the practice. We have the cash flow to invest in marketing
and training.”
owners of our firms to grow the practice. We have the cash flow to invest in marketing
and training.”
• “During good times, we must become
very selective as to the new clients we take.
We must restrain ourselves to accept only the cream of the callers.”
very selective as to the new clients we take.
We must restrain ourselves to accept only the cream of the callers.”
• “During good times, we can afford
to outsource some of our low end clients and add clients who are more profitable
and fun to work with.”
to outsource some of our low end clients and add clients who are more profitable
and fun to work with.”
• “During good times and staff shortages,
some of our competitors are not giving the best in client service. Some of these
clients can be persuaded to come try us out.”
some of our competitors are not giving the best in client service. Some of these
clients can be persuaded to come try us out.”