Q. Define Business Communication?
Ans: Communication is characterized as “The stream of material data observation, comprehension and creative ability among different gatherings”.
Business incorporates those associations, which are occupied with the generation and appropriation
of merchandise and enterprises to gain benefit. Consequently Business correspondence signifies, “Stream of data, observation and so on either inside a business association or outside the association among various gatherings”.
We can extricate the accompanying focuses structure the above definition;
(I) Flow between at least two gatherings.
In business correspondence the material stream starting with one individual then onto the next individual or from numerous people to various individuals. This stream may either be inside the association or outside the association.
(ii) Flow of data, recognition, creative ability and so on.
Stream of data happens when a gathering exchanges the material to another psyche. For instance, when a news caster says, “Pakistan has led atomic test on 28th May 1998”. This is a stream of data from news caster to the audience members.
Stream of observation implies exchange of various sentiments. At last, stream of creative energy that happens when a painter passes on his/her creative impulses through a representation.