General Knowledge MCQs for NTS TEST, FPSC, PPSC

You will find below General Knowledge and Current Affiars MCQs with Answers for the preparation of different Testing authorities of Pakistan. Students who want to appear in NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, Admission Test, Job Test of Police and others can avail benefit from below mentioned MCQs with Answers.
1. Who serves as the acting Prime Minister in
the absence of Prime Minister?
the absence of Prime Minister?
A. Federal Senior Minister
B. Speaker National Assembly (Answer)
C. Chairman Senate
D. Foreign Minister
2. General Elections 2013 were held on ———-
A. 10 May 2013
B. 11 May 2013 (Answer)
C. 12 May 2013
D. 13 May 2013
3. Pakistani film ———- won best film
award in United States?
award in United States?
A. War
B. Sargam
C. Lamha (Answer)
D. None of these
4. Nawaz Sharif sworned in as Prime Minister
of Pakistan on ———-?
of Pakistan on ———-?
A. 02 June 2013
B. 05 June 2013 (Answer)
C. 07 June 2013
D. 09 June 2013
5. President Mamnoon Hussain took oath on
———- ?
———- ?
A. 05 September 2013
B. 07 September 2013
C. 09 September 2013 (Answer)
D. 11 September 2013
6. The newest district of Baluchistan is
———- ?
———- ?
A. Sheerani
B. Jhal Magsi
C. Washuk
D. Lehri (Answer)
7. Which is the driest Province of the
B. Panjab
C. Sinds
D. Baluchistan (Answer)
8. When broadcast Pakistan national anthem in
first time?
first time?
A. 13 Aug 1948
B. 14 Aug 1967
C. 13 Aug 1954 (Answer)
D. 16 Aug 1972
9. Where is the largest museum of the
A. National Museum Karachi (Answer)
B. Lahore Museum
C. Peshawar Museum
D. None of theme
10. Where is the world largest irrigation
A. Pakistan (Answer)
B. China
C. Japan
D. Australia
11. Who was the first chief scout of
A. Jahngir Khan
B. Quide-e -Azem (Answer)
C. Nusart Khan
D. None of theme
12. Which is the highest Dam of the Pakistan?
A. Tarbela Dam
B. Mangla Dam (Answer)
C. Namal Dam
D. None of theme
13. Which cithy of Pakistan held the OIC
conference in 1997?
conference in 1997?
A. Lahore
B. Islamabad (Answer)
C. Karachi
D. Peshawar
14. Mirpur is a famous city of?
B. Panjab
C. Azad Kashmir (Answer)
D. None of theme
15. Where is Warsak dam of Pakistan situated?
A. KPK (Answer)
B. Punjab
C. Snidh
D. Baluchistan
16. Who inaugurated the State bank of
A. Quaid-e-Azam (Answer)
B. Malik ghulam Muhammad
C. Liaquat ali khan
D. Allama Muhmmad Iqbal
17. According to the Government of India Act.
1935, India had been divided into——-provinces?
1935, India had been divided into——-provinces?
A. 7
B. 11 (Answer)
C. 15
D. 18
18. To encourage British investment in India,
Lord Dalhousei?
Lord Dalhousei?
A. Introduced railway and telegraphs (Answer)
B. Patronised Agriculture
C. Encouraged Industries
D. None of these
19. The strategy of divide and rule was
adopted by?
adopted by?
A. Lord Curzon
B. Lord Canning
C. Lord Minto (Answer)
D. Lord Wellesley
20. Who first voiced the idea of a separate
Muslim state in India?
Muslim state in India?
A. MA Jinnah
B. Muhammad Iqbal (Answer)
C. Syed Ahmad Khan
D. None Of Theme
21. The Cripps Mission visited India in?
A. 1927
B. 1928
C. 1942 (Answer)
D. None of Theme
22. The most important feature of Government
of India Act 1919 was the introduction of?
of India Act 1919 was the introduction of?
A. Provincial Autonomy
B. Adult Franchise
C. Dyarchy
D. Separate Electorate (Answer)
23. Dehli became the capital of India in?
A. 1910
B. 1916
C. 1911 (Answer)
D. None of Theme
24. The Vernacular Press Act was passed by?
A. Lord Curzon
B. Lord Lytton (Answer)
C. Achariya Kirplani
D. None of Theme
25. The Ilburt Bill Controversy during Lord
Lytton time related to the concept of ?
Lytton time related to the concept of ?
A. Political Representation
B. Economic Justice
C. Judicial Equaliyt (Answer)
D. None of Them
26. Sawraaj Party was founded in?
A. 1929
B. 1930
C. 1923 (Answer)
D. None of Theme
27. Who was the first Army Chief of Pakistan?
A. Gen. Sir Gracey
B. Gen. Sir Frank Messery (Answer)
C. Gen. M.Musaa
D. None of Them
28. Who was the first air chief of Pakistan?
A. Air Marshal Sir Richard
B. Air Marshal sir arthar
C. Air Marshal Allan Pery Keene (Answer)
D. None of them
29. Who was the first Navel Chief of
A. Rear Admiral James Jafford (Answer)
B. Admiral M.Zakullah
C. Admiral Saeed
D. None of Them
30. Who was the First Chief Mininster of
A. Feroz Khan
B. Ifftakhar Husain (Answer)
C. Abdul Hameed
D. None of Them
31. Who was the first Chief Minister of KPK?
A. Abdul Qayyum Khan (Answer)
B. M. Ibraheem
C. S. Abdur Rashid
D. None of Them
32. Who was the first Chief Minister of
A. Muhammd Ayoub Khab Khoro (Answer)
B. Gullam Hussain
C. Qaime Ali Shah
D. None of Them
33. Who was the first Chief Minister of
A. Mir Zafrullah Jamali
B. Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti
C. Nawab Attaullah Mengal (Answer)
D. None of Them
34. Who was the current Air Chief of
A. Air Marshal Sohail Aman
B. Air Marshal Tahir Rafiq
C. Air Marshal Asif Sindal
D. None of Them
35. Who was the current Navel Chief of
A. Admiral M. Zakaullah (Answer)
B. Admiral Asif Sindal
C. Admiral Basit
D. None of Them
36. Who was the current Chief Minister of
A. Khan Akbar Bugti
B. Abdul Malik Baloch (Answer)
C. Fazal Khan
D. None of them
37. The last viceroy of united India was?
A. Lord Mount Batten (Answer)
B. Lord Curzon
C. Lord Ranazia
D. None of These
38. Which one is known as Bab-ul-Islam?
B. Punjab
C. Sindh (Answer)
D. None of These
39. The first O.I.C summit was held in?
A. Rabat, Morocco (Answer)
B. Kabul, Afghanistan
C. Islamabad, Pakistan
D. None of These
40. The second O.I.C summit 1974 was held in:
A. Kabul , Afghanistan
B. Lahore, Pakistan (Answer)
C. Dhaka, Bangladesh
D. None of these
41. The Third O.I.C summit 1981 was held in?
A. Lahore, Pakistan
B. Sharja, Dubai
C. Makkah & Taif, Saudia Arabia (Answer)
D. None of These
42. The Fourth O.I.C summit 1984 was held in?
A. Casablanca, Morocco (Answer)
B. Sharja, Dubai
C. Makkah, Saudi Aribia
D. None of These
43. The Fifth O.I.C summit 1987 was held in?
A. Makkah, Saudi Aribia
B. Islamabad, Pakistan
C. Kuwait (Answer)
D. None of These
44. The Sixth O.I.C summit 1991 was held in?
A. Dakar, Senegal (Answer)
B. Makkah, Saudi Aribia
C. Lahore, Pakistan
D. None of these
45. The Seventh O.I.C summit 1994 was held
A. Makkah
B. Casablanca (Answer)
C. Dhaka
D. None of These
46. The Eight O.I.C summit 1997 was held in?
A. Iraq
B. Casablnca
C. Tehran, Iran (Answer)
D. None of these
47. Which was the Pakistan’s second Governor
A. M. Ali Jinah
B. Khawaja Nazimuddin (Answer)
C. Ayobe khan
D. None of These
48. Pakistan became the member of UNO on?
A. 30th Sep 1947 (Answer)
B. 14th Aug 1947
C. 15th Jun 1952
D. None of These
49. The Objective Resolution was put
forwarded by ———– in 1949?
forwarded by ———– in 1949?
A. Quaid-e-Azam
B. Nazeer Khan
C. None of These
D. Liaquat Ali Khan (Answer)
50. Which one is the famous Pushto poets?
A. Baba Bully Shah
B. Asfand Yar
C. Khushal Khan Khatak (Answer)
D. None of These
51. The State Bank was inaugurated by
——— in 1948?
——— in 1948?
A. Quaid-e-Azam (Answer)
B. Liaqat Ali Khan
C. Nazeer Bhuto
D. None Of These
52. The two most important food crops of
A. Mango and Banana
B. Lady Finger and Wheat
C. Wheat and Rice (Answer)
D. None of These
53. The third constitution of Pakistan was
promulgated on?
promulgated on?
A. 15th Feb 1975
B. 16th Mar 1983
C. 14th Aug 1973 (Answer)
D. None of These
54. The first constitution of Pakistan came
into force on?
into force on?
A. 23rd March 1956 (Answer)
B. 14th Aug 1947
C. 15th Oct 1960
D. None of These
55. The second constitution of Pakistan was
promulgated on?
promulgated on?
A. 2nd Jan 1970
B. 1st March 1962 (Answer)
C. 3rd App 1980
D. None of These
56. The highway linking China and Pakistan is
A. Shahrah-e-Karakoram (Answer)
B. Torkham
C. Gawadar
D. None of These
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