Oxford IELTS Preparation & Practice: Listening & Speaking [Text + CD] by DENISE YOUNG | NEILANE LIEW

Now you can download or read-online an excellent book namely, “Oxford IELTS Preparation & Practice: Listening & Speaking [Study Text + CD ] written by, DENISE YOUNG | NEILANE LIEW .
Step by step instructions to utilize this book:
There are two fundamental segments to this book: the Listening and the Speaking. T he units and the exercises have been numbered independently in each area. You discover answers for certain exercises inside the content of the book. Answers for different exercises and the Practice Tests are in the Answer Key in Appendix 2.
Transcripts for all listening tests and exercises are in Appendix 1.
Segment 1 manages the Listening Test.
The initial segment of the book works through a work on Listening Test in detail, segment by area. The structure of each segment is talked about and the kind of inquiries illustrated. Procedures are proposed for managing the different inquiry types just as for the Listening Test when all is said in done.
Segment 1 gives you:
• an outline of the Listening Test, the type of the guidelines and the inquiry types
• a work on Listening Test-Listening Practice Test 1. You could do this test first as a test, or
you could work through it area by segment as set out in Units 2 to 5 of the Listening segment of the book.
• three work on Listening Tests, which might be photocopied
• a listening answer sheet, which might be photocopied.
Step by step instructions to utilize this book
There are two fundamental segments to this book: the Listening and the Speaking. T he units and the exercises have been numbered independently in each area. You discover answers for certain exercises inside the content of the book. Answers for different exercises and the Practice Tests are in the Answer Key in Appendix 2.
Transcripts for all listening tests and exercises are in Appendix 1.
Segment 1 manages the Listening Test.
The initial segment of the book works through a work on Listening Test in detail, segment by area. The structure of each segment is talked about and the kind of inquiries illustrated. Procedures are proposed for managing the different inquiry types just as for the Listening Test when all is said in done.
Segment 1 gives you:
• an outline of the Listening Test, the type of the guidelines and the inquiry types
• a work on Listening Test-Listening Practice Test 1. You could do this test first as a test, or you could work through it area by segment as set out in Units 2 to 5 of the Listening segment of the book.
• three work on Listening Tests, which might be photocopied
• a listening answer sheet, which might be photocopied.
Area 2 manages the Speaking Test.
Segment 2 gives you:
• an outline of the Speaking Test, the structure of the test and the scoring framework
• ninety gritty practice exercises for every one of the appraisal criteria
• six work on Speaking Tests
• five example Speaking Tests with itemized examination of the presentation of the speakers
• self-appraisal sheets, which might be photocopied.
Book Name : Oxford IELTS Preparation & Practice: Listening & Speaking
Edition : 3rd
Format : Pdf
Size : 27 MB
Pages : 177
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Oxford IELTS Preparation & Practice: Listening & Speaking [Text Book + CD]– by DENISE YOUNG | NEILANE LIEW
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