Learn C++ Language
Lecture # 02 – Installation and Setup

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So as you can see I have a web
browser open and if you go to Google and type in the search bar just code
blocks as so the first link you will see is Debbie W.W. diet code blocks start
work and this is where you’re going to want to go.
browser open and if you go to Google and type in the search bar just code
blocks as so the first link you will see is Debbie W.W. diet code blocks start
work and this is where you’re going to want to go.
you can either click on this first code box link or then click on downloads or
you can do a camera and do you just click on the downloads link below.
When the page loads you know depending on my how my internet is doing right now.
you can either click on this first code box link or then click on downloads or
you can do a camera and do you just click on the downloads link below.
When the page loads you know depending on my how my internet is doing right now.
when the page does load you’re going to be brought here and you will have
several links like download the banner your lease download the source
code and retrieve source code from ESPN.
when the page does load you’re going to be brought here and you will have
several links like download the banner your lease download the source
code and retrieve source code from ESPN.
are going to want to click on download the binary release and it will bring you
to this page. Now depending on what operating system you’re on you’re
going to click on something different than maybe clicking on you know if
you’re on Linux 32 bit or Linux 64 bit. You’re going to be looking at
these boxes right here from Mac OSX are going west all the way of the bottom
and they have a download link right here.
are going to want to click on download the binary release and it will bring you
to this page. Now depending on what operating system you’re on you’re
going to click on something different than maybe clicking on you know if
you’re on Linux 32 bit or Linux 64 bit. You’re going to be looking at
these boxes right here from Mac OSX are going west all the way of the bottom
and they have a download link right here.
though I’m on Windows 7 so I will come up here.
though I’m on Windows 7 so I will come up here.
if you look it doesn’t say Windows 8 right here but up here it says Windows 7
Dash 8.
if you look it doesn’t say Windows 8 right here but up here it says Windows 7
Dash 8.
these these binary build should work on Windows 8 8.1 In fact I’ve actually
downloaded it on Windows 8 and 8.1.
these these binary build should work on Windows 8 8.1 In fact I’ve actually
downloaded it on Windows 8 and 8.1.
I know for a fact it will work.
I know for a fact it will work.
you look over here there are two different links there’s barely OS and source
for each dot net. I’m not that familiar with barely OS but I am familiar
with source for it and I use it for a lot of my downloads. So I
would recommend using source for each dot net.
you look over here there are two different links there’s barely OS and source
for each dot net. I’m not that familiar with barely OS but I am familiar
with source for it and I use it for a lot of my downloads. So I
would recommend using source for each dot net.
there are three different types of binary releases that you can download.
there are three different types of binary releases that you can download.
when I first started programming my instructor had us download this binary
release right here. The second one on the list which is perfectly fine
works great. But as I got in a more advanced C++ programming where I
started doing concurrent threads and you know different kind of
concurrent thread processing multithreaded processing I needed this GCC 4.8
point one for my code box to work with threads.
when I first started programming my instructor had us download this binary
release right here. The second one on the list which is perfectly fine
works great. But as I got in a more advanced C++ programming where I
started doing concurrent threads and you know different kind of
concurrent thread processing multithreaded processing I needed this GCC 4.8
point one for my code box to work with threads.
a specific compiler.
a specific compiler.
I would recommend if you plan on going more in depth with C++ and maybe taken a
course after this to go ahead and download this one because if you start
getting into threads and C++ you will have to come back and download
this compiler right here for code blocks work. Otherwise you know this right here is a great
option as well. So either one is fine for this course.
I would recommend if you plan on going more in depth with C++ and maybe taken a
course after this to go ahead and download this one because if you start
getting into threads and C++ you will have to come back and download
this compiler right here for code blocks work. Otherwise you know this right here is a great
option as well. So either one is fine for this course.
going to want to go ahead and click on Source Forge darknet continue on either
one of the links and click on the second one. It will take you to
Source Forge dot net and the countdown will begin for your download. And
after the countdown the X-Fi file should be downloaded will give it a second
and write down here you can see code blocks thirteen point one point to see and
it says are still you know not 10 minutes left before it’s done
downloading online so it might take awhile for it to download.
going to want to go ahead and click on Source Forge darknet continue on either
one of the links and click on the second one. It will take you to
Source Forge dot net and the countdown will begin for your download. And
after the countdown the X-Fi file should be downloaded will give it a second
and write down here you can see code blocks thirteen point one point to see and
it says are still you know not 10 minutes left before it’s done
downloading online so it might take awhile for it to download.
I’m not going to sit through this
tutorial and wait for it finished downloading simply because I already had
it downloaded on my computer. But I will tell you when it does finish
downloading. You’re going to want to launch the X-C file and install
wizard will pop up and it’s very simple install wizard.
tutorial and wait for it finished downloading simply because I already had
it downloaded on my computer. But I will tell you when it does finish
downloading. You’re going to want to launch the X-C file and install
wizard will pop up and it’s very simple install wizard.
you just click next on every single pop up window and it should install very
easily with no problems. After it’s done installing you’re going
to want to search for the program either by using your search like this
or it might even put it in your task for like I have it right here and it might
even have a desktop shortcut.
you just click next on every single pop up window and it should install very
easily with no problems. After it’s done installing you’re going
to want to search for the program either by using your search like this
or it might even put it in your task for like I have it right here and it might
even have a desktop shortcut.
the case you’re going to want at launch roadblocks.
the case you’re going to want at launch roadblocks.
know give it a little bit of time especially on the first time launching it
when the first time you launch it it might take a little bit longer than
you expect. Also though it seems like it’s taken a while for it to
download on my computer my internet connection is quite slow right now I
just moved and I have slow download speed as of right now because I haven’t
yet upgraded my internet so that it’s on your at your you know at your house it
might. They’ll probably go a lot faster than mine. I think I have
like 8 megabit download speed right now.
know give it a little bit of time especially on the first time launching it
when the first time you launch it it might take a little bit longer than
you expect. Also though it seems like it’s taken a while for it to
download on my computer my internet connection is quite slow right now I
just moved and I have slow download speed as of right now because I haven’t
yet upgraded my internet so that it’s on your at your you know at your house it
might. They’ll probably go a lot faster than mine. I think I have
like 8 megabit download speed right now.
is what’s going to pop up when co-blogger launches. And then the next
tutorial we are going to create a new project and we will discuss the hello
world project that will be created and discuss the anatomy of the our
very first C++ program.
is what’s going to pop up when co-blogger launches. And then the next
tutorial we are going to create a new project and we will discuss the hello
world project that will be created and discuss the anatomy of the our
very first C++ program.
stay tuned and I’ll see you in the next two Lecture.
stay tuned and I’ll see you in the next two Lecture.
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