The word “Journal” has been derived from the French word “Jour”. Jour means day. So Journal means daily. Transactions are recorded daily in journal and hence it has been named so. It is a book of original entry to record chronologically (i.e. in order of date) and in detail the various transactions of a trader. It is also known “Day Book” because it contains the account of every day’s transactions.
Journal– MCQs with Answers

1. Book in which the business transactions are recorded first is called:
A) Journal (B) Ledger
C) Trial Balance (D) Worksheet
2. Books of original entry are called:
A) Ledger book (B) Classified book
C) Trial Balance (D) Journal
3. In Journal there are:
A) Three Columns (B) Four Columns
C) Five Columns (D) Six Columns
4. The process of recording the transactions in the journal is called:
A) Posting (B) Accounting
C) Bookkeeping (D) Journalizing
5. The complete record of a transaction in the journal is called:
A) Narration (B) Entry
C) Posting (D) Journalizing
6. Book in which the business transactions are recorded first is called:
A) Journal (B) Ledger
C) Trial Balance (D) Worksheet
7. Books of original entry are called:
A) Ledger book (B) Classified book
C) Trial Balance (D) Journal
8. In Journal there are:
A) Three Columns (B) Four Columns
C) Five Columns (D) Six Columns
9. The process of recording the transactions in the journal is called:
A) Posting (B) Accounting
C) Bookkeeping (D) Journalizing
10. The complete record of a transaction in the journal is called:
A) Narration (B) Entry
C) Posting (D) Journalizing
Note: To Find Answers kindly click below to check your knowledge. Below you will find 20 MCQs from Chapter : Journal – Part-I (1 to 20 MCQs’)
Choose Accounting Topics for MCQs with Answers
- Introduction to Accounting
- Accounting Equation
- Nature of Accounts – Rules of Debit and Credit
- Journal
- Ledger and Trial Balance
- Banking Transactions
- Sub-Division of Journal – Cash Book and Petty Cash Book, Receipts & Payment Journal
- Bank Reconciliation Statement – BRS
- Bills of Exchange
- Capital and Revenue Expenditures
- Rectification of Errors
- Final Accounts with Adjustment
- Work Sheet
- Single Entry Book-Keeping System
- Non-Trading Concerns
- Partnership Accounting
- Consignment Accounts
- Joint Venture Accounts
- Company Accounts
- Depreciation
- Provisions and Reserves
- Branch Accounting
- Departmental Accounting
- Contract Accounts
- Hire Purchase and Installments