Business Law by Khalid Mehmood Cheema

A great and excellent book on Business Law especially for & ICAP and ICMAP students.
This book cover the syllabus of different universities for, M.Com & different financial bodies’s exam. It contains the following Acts in a prescribed manner.
1. Contract Act 1872
- Contract and its Kinds, offers and Acceptance, Consideration and Object,Capacity of Parties, Free Consent, Void Agreements, Contract of Agency, etc.
2. Sales of Goods Act
- Contract of sales of goods Act, Conditions and Warranties,Transfer of property, performance of contract of sale,Rights of unpaid seller
3. Negotiable Instrument Act
- Parties to negotiable instrument,presentment, Negotiation of negotiable instrument,Dishonour of negotiable instrument, Bankers and customers.
4. Carriage of Goods Act
- Carriage of goods by Land
- Carriage of goods by See
- Carriage of goods by Air
5. Labours Act
- Industrial Relations
6. Partnership Act
7. Law of Trust
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