Q. Define communication. What is the importance of communication for an individual and for an organization?
Definition: Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and organization, so that an understanding response results”.
“Communication is the process which involves transmission and accurate replication of ideas, ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting action which will accomplish organizational goals”.
(1) Helps in getting a desired job:-
Finding an ideal line of work isn’t a simple errand. It requires an individual to be incredible, particularly regarding correspondence capacities. Correspondence capacities can be arranged into five classifications that is perusing, composing, talking, tuning in and watching. In the event that a hopeful is a decent peruser of course readings and reference books as well as of papers and magazines, this would help him creating certainty level at the season of meeting. Composing aptitudes are vital for setting up a fitting Bio-information and covering letter, with the goal that a superior introductory impression could be made. Presumably, conversational aptitude directly at the season of meeting is similarly countable towards accomplishment of the applicant. Listening capacities on the other could turn out to be productive particularly when the questioner is making a remark or making an inquiry. In short we can say that the nearness of previously mentioned five relational abilities could give a superior possibility of being chosen amid a meeting.
(2) Help in maintaining social relationships:-
We as people live in an interlacing connections rather social relationship. These social relations force us to act at the same time in the limit of dad, kid, spouse, uncle, neighbor, cousin, educator, nephew, etc. Every one of these connections particularly close to one’s could be kept up legitimately on the off chance that we can impart well to every one of these relations, that we are here to deal with them and our administrations are dependably there to help them in the event of any requirements.
(3) Helps in getting on the job promotion:-
Maybe getting a new line of work would not be a major ordeal if there should arise an occurrence of if the hopeful is all around associated and has a place with a wealthy family. Be that as it may, advancement at work requires some additional abilities with respect to the applicant. Among those aptitudes, correspondence capacities rank on the top. In the event that an individual can talk well amid intuitive and introduction sessions, can reports appropriately, he will naturally be according to the administration and at whatever point an opportunity for advancement comes, he will be on the highest priority on the rundown.
(4) Helps in solving other’s problems:-
It is regularly seen that around us there are such a significant number of individuals whom we like to meet, their organization is a wellspring of enhancement for us. When we are with them we feel verified. The main purpose behind such sorts of sentiments is that such kind of individuals are great audience members as well as realize it well that at whatever point they would talk, it would be for empowering, not demoralizing others, just for tackling other’s issues and not for making issues for other people. Such individuals are no uncertainty great communicators.